GRP roofing systems are among the most robust flat roof options, boasting superior longevity to felt or EPDM rubber roofs and typically come with extended guarantees.

Installed quickly and easily over an existing roof, this material is durable, long-lasting and very straightforward for maintenance purposes.


When planning the cost of replacing or installing a flat roof, it is essential to consider its overall cost. A number of factors will impact this figure including; length of guarantee period; need for balcony space or not and size of flat roof being covered. In order to accurately compare fibreglass and traditional felt systems it is wise to obtain quotes for both from reliable roofers – so as to gain an accurate picture.

Fibreglass roofing material, more commonly referred to as GRP – glass reinforced polyester – may seem more costly than its felt-based equivalent, however this is often not the case. GRP roofing systems can often prove cost-effective solutions that offer easy handling and provide superior finishes compared to felt systems.

GRP roofs generally only require periodic sweeping to remove any dirt and debris build-up, in order to preserve peak condition and protect against any water ingress issues that could arise if its surface becomes blocked with debris. This will keep it looking its best while also helping prevent water ingress issues from developing if debris blocks the surface too often.

As well as sweeping, fibreglass roofs can also be treated with an anti-slip coating to make it safe for anyone walking on it to perform maintenance or repairs. Due to its strength and durability, GRP roofs can withstand regular footfall, which makes them particularly suitable as terrace areas.

Fiberglass roofing material has an extremely minimal environmental footprint. This is due primarily to being pre-cut on site and thus drastically cutting transport costs compared to traditional slate roofs which require mining of raw materials from the earth before being cut and shaped into finished products.

GRP flat roofs are known for their longevity; when properly maintained they should last at least 25 years. This makes them an excellent investment that will add significant value to a property.


GRP (glass reinforced polyester) flat roofs are among the most durable roofing solutions on the market, while also being attractive. EPDM roofs often look like large pieces of rubber on top of buildings while GRP flat roofs are seamless and aesthetically pleasing when painted with pigmented top coat. You can create designs tailored specifically to suit your home or business with GRP roofs.

Fibre glass flat roofs are exceptionally long-lasting due to being constructed using high-performance polyester resin combined with reinforcing materials like glass fibres. This combination creates an extremely strong roof capable of withstanding wind and foot traffic, and GRP roofs can even be customized according to individual needs, offering different colors options as an added feature.

GRP roofing systems are versatile and long-lasting, making them popular choices for both commercial and domestic buildings. But its longevity depends heavily on the quality of its installation and maintenance services; choose a provider who knows GRP roofing well to maximize longevity of the flat roof you install.

GRP roofs have long been popular due to their ease of installation. Without hot flames to contend with, this type of flat roofing can be put up more quickly than traditional felt systems and needs less frequent repairs than other flat roofing types.

GRP flat roofs are highly watertight. This is due to their fibreglass resin matting being coated in layers of resin and then protected with an additional top coat for extra protection from rain, hail and UV rays, thus keeping their waterproof for years to come.

GRP flat roofs not only offer waterproofing properties, but are also resistant to fire and rot due to how they are manufactured – the fibreglass mat is heated before being coated in resin and top coat, creating an extremely strong and long-term structure.


GRP flat roofs can last 30 years or longer with proper installation and care, thanks to both quality materials used and their absence from many issues that plague other types of flat roofing such as EPDM, PVC or felt systems.

Fibreglass roofs feature a pigmented topcoat that allows it to be painted virtually any color to complement the walls of your property, adding an attractive touch that is easy and quick to install, both professionally as well as DIY installers can utilize these kits for simple DIY installation projects.

Fibreglass roofing is also much less susceptible to punctures and damage than other flat roof coverings like EPDM or PVC, which are known for leaving puncture marks. GRP can withstand heavy foot traffic as well as equipment such as ladders – making it the preferred choice in areas like storage rooms or balconies that will see frequent use.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that any roofing material will eventually deteriorate and need replacement. The lifespan of a flat roof depends on a number of factors including insulation levels, the underdeck structure and quality workmanship.

Fibreglass roofing materials are among the most durable available. But even this durable option can deteriorate with improper installation and maintenance practices.

One of the main causes of GRP roof failure is when its laminate loses any elasticity it had when first installed, leading to it “alligatoring”, or starting to look like alligator skin, potentially allowing water leakage into buildings. This is extremely dangerous.

Preventing this problem by making sure the roof is laid properly and has sufficient resin coverage when laminating, as well as using a catalyst to speed up curing times. Doing this will ensure both resin and topcoat cure fully.


Maintaining and protecting a flat roof to extend its lifespan requires applying new layers of coating as they become necessary. This will keep the fibre glass roof as effective at insulating against moisture intrusion while simultaneously decreasing structural damage risks. Regular upkeep also makes this type of roofing less susceptible to failure in terms of durability issues.

GRP (glass reinforced plastic) roofing materials are used extensively in this category of roof. Composed of resin-coated fiber strands laminated together and applied onto an adequate substrate, GRP provides strong and long-term protection. Plus, its versatility means it can easily match any aesthetic style imaginable; many prefer fibreglass roofs over EPDM ones since its higher load bearing capacities make fibreglass better suited to accommodate foot traffic or equipment loads on flat roofs.

One of the primary issues with fibreglass roofs is water ingress and ponding forming on their surfaces, often due to an area with low points or dips that prevent rainwater draining off correctly. Ponding causes surrounding areas of the roof to become wet if not addressed immediately, so it’s essential that this issue is rectified as soon as it arises.

If your flat roof’s drainage is not functioning as intended, contacting a professional for an assessment could help ensure all gutters and down pipes are clear of obstructions and blockages. Regular checks by professionals are important in areas prone to flooding as water could potentially enter into buildings through leaky gutters and downpipes.

GRP roofs may experience issues when their top coat becomes damaged or worn due to poor installation or weather conditions at application time, requiring repair with resin and catalyst mixes formulated until their texture resembles mayonnaise before applying this mixture on top of damaged areas of roof. For severe damages milled fibre can also be added for reinforcement.


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